2023 S&T “Gigi”

fsae car being pushed

Wheelbase: 1625mm
Front Track: 1219mm
Rear Track: 1194mm
Engine: 2012 Kawasaki ZX-6R
Weight: 565lb
Frame: Tubular Space Frame
Suspension: Un-Equal Length Double A-arm
Brakes: Front ISR 4 Piston Monobloc, Rear 2 Piston Monobloc
Tires: 18×7.5-10 Hoosier R25B

Gigi was a wake up call, when we got to competition she did not pass tech at first because the brake master cylinder was mounted to close to the impact attenuator, so the bulkhead of Sydney was cut off and welded in the trailer on top of Gigi’s Bulkhead in order to pass tech, competition got better after that as Chelsea got 1st in Skid pad.

Chief Engineer: Tyler Gastreich/ Rohan Khanolkar, Team Lead: Ian Herling, Business Lead: John Hansen, Secretary: Ethan McMillan, Brakes: Rohan Khanolkar, Cooling: Danny Clawson, DAQ: Riley Hinton, DAQ Integration: Ronald Pang, Electrical Lead: Jon Saelens, Electrical Project: Tyler Kilper, Corners: Cole Harrill, Drivetrain: Joe Jasper, Front Wing: Coraline Fink, Rear Wing: Dylan Stock, Fuel & Oil: David Joseph, Suspension: Aidan Greiner, Manufacturing: Logan Chazen, Sidepod &Undertray: Kyle Maynor, PT Lead: Justin Ingram

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