The 2001 team members were Mike Stock (Team Leader), Scott Craig (Chief Engineer), Doug Stroud (Team Manager), Dave Pugh, Anthony Brandon, Dustin Brown, Brad Davis, James Elterman, Dan Feighery, Matt Goska, Eric Grelle, Jeff Hoskins, Ben Rustemeyer, Mike Schaefer, Marc Davis, Kyle Sampson, Ryan Hutcheson, David Prather, Craig Goodloe, and Pat McNally.
Mechanical problems once again plagued this year’s Formula SAE competition. After passing Tech., Tilt, Brake and Noise without any problems the competition was off to a good start. Unfortunately, due to rain only one heat of acceleration and skid pad was run. Scott Craig drove to a 19th place finish in skid pad while Eric Grelle landed 39th in acceleration. Our first lap in the autocross event yielded our first mechanical problem. Half-way through the first lap one of the front brake caliper mounts sheared off causing us to lock up a wheel. After a quick repair of the broken mount Mike Stock drove to a 64th finish with the injured car. During the endurance event, problems surfaced early when driver Doug Stroud felt the car losing power. He managed to hold the car through his 11 laps allowing Mike Stock to take the seat for the remaining 10. Unfortunately, the power loss was from a leaking fuel fitting which caused the car to run out of gas one lap into the remaining ten.